Peanut Soba Noodles

Eleven of my friends are pregnant. Yup, eleven. And considering I have about twelve friends that’s a high percentage. Besides the overwhelming love and excitement I have watching them become mothers for the first or second time their pregnancies have made me realize that I am not the mother of a baby anymore. I have a boy. I see new moms in coffee shops and walking down the block with their tiny babies curled up in slings and catch myself thinking I’m still there. But my life is so different now. I sleep at least seven straight hours every night, I go out with friends, and I read books again but part of me misses the crazy club of raw newborns. Sometimes I miss my tiny baby Dylan but man I’m happy where we are.

What do soba noodles have to do with this? Not much besides that this recipe has been with me for a while and I keep adapting it to our changing lives. It’s delicious – you should make it.


1 package soba noodles
1 carrot, peeled of tough skin then peeled into thin ribbons
1 cup pea pods, trimmed
2 tablespoons unhulled sesame seeds

1/4 cup natural peanut butter (meaning no added oil or sugar)
3 tablespoons soy sauce
Juice of 1 lime
1 teaspoon hot sesame oil
1 tablespoon honey

-Bring a big pot of salted water to a boil
-Blanch carrot peels and pea pods for 2 minutes, skim out (saving boiling water) and run under cold water to stop cooking process and lock color
-Cook soba noodles in boiling water per package instructions
-Mix sauce ingredients together until combined but don’t over-whisk or it will become too thick
-Drain noodles and return to pot set over low heat
-Mix noodles with sauce in pot over low to allow the sauce to loosen up and coat the noodles evenly – toss with blanched vegetables and sprinkle with sesame seeds


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